OhioMHAS Multi-System Adult FY23 Funding

As a reminder, the Multi-System Adult (MSA) program was implemented last fiscal year. MSA funding will continue in FY23. The purpose of the program is to leverage existing resources and partnerships to develop a coordinated response that is supportive of individuals who often present within multiple systems. The overarching goal of the MSA program is to support community tenure, successful recovery and positive long-term outcomes for individuals diagnosed with a severe mental illness. Funds are allocated to ADAMHS Boards that are participating in the MSA program. On May 6th, 2022 OhioMHAS released the Community Allocation Guidelines for FY23.

You will find the allocation guidelines for the MSA project on page 20. Boards must request funding from OhioMHAS for the MSA project. Board funding for the MSA project will continue to be disbursed in two installations, one in quarter 1 and the other in quarter 3, with quarter 3 allocations dependent upon existing expenditures in the previous quarters.

Individuals served by the program must meet the following criteria:

  1. Two or more psychiatric hospitalizations over the previous 12 months and;
  2. In need of services from at least one additional system: criminal justice involvement, developmental disabilities, aging (over 65), homeless, veterans.

The per client cost is limited to $8,000 per year with an appeals process for additional funding eligibility or use of funds. Before utilizing MSA project funds, the use of all other available local, state, and federal funds must be exhausted with the exception of county levy funds. If you have a client that would benefit from this funding, contact your local ADAMH board.