
News and Headlines


UD Basketball Coach Grant Spreads Message About Mental Health Awareness at Second Annual Spotlight Event

In 2022, Grant’s daughter Jayda, 20, died by suicide. Grant and his wife Chris tried on their own to get Jayda the help she needed before she died but weren’t fully aware of all the resources available. They are now and have dedicated their lives to make sure others are as well.

The Grants were surrounded by some of those resources Wednesday night on Tom Blackburn Court at UD Arena during the second annual Spotlight Town Hall, To Shine a Light on Mental Health. The national Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number — 988 — was displayed on video boards around the arena as the Grants and others talked. Many different organizations from around the area and the state participated in a mental health resource fair before the event in the UD Arena concourse. The couple hundred people in attendance, including Grant’s men’s basketball team, walked away with a better understanding of where to go if they need help with mental health issues.


OhioMHAS Virtual Data Forum — October 16

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) is pleased to announce our next Data Forum on October 16, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The purpose of the Data Forums is to:

  • highlight new data resources, share information about current and upcoming data projects;
  • facilitate opportunities for peer-to-peer learning;
  • demonstrate how data can be used in the daily practice of ADAMH Boards and Behavioral Health providers; and
  • discuss local needs related to data and data infrastructure.

The Data Forum series will convene on a quarterly basis to provide a venue for sharing timely and useful best practices, examples, and resources for ADAMH Boards and behavioral health providers that may be implementing or updating their own data systems and data analytic capabilities.

Intended Audience

This resource is intended for any stakeholders who are interested in learning about data and data resources, including ADAMH Board and Behavioral Health provider leadership and staff who work with, manage, and communicate data at all levels.


  1. Review - State Opioid Response Grant Evaluation Results, Kraig Knudsen, OhioMHAS  
  2. Review – Ohio Youth Surveys, Jon Kraus (Ohio Department of Health) & Lara M Belliston (OhioMHAS)
  3. Update – Ohio Substance Abuse Monitoring (OSAM) Network, Tom Sherba, OhioMHAS and Sarah Kriebel, OhioMHAS

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

Click HERE to Register!


Service and Recovery: How to Identify and Avoid Exploitative Practices in Housing Programs

The Office of Criminal Justice Services is partnering with Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services and Advocating Opportunity to share an overview of Service and Recovery: How to Identify and Avoid Exploitative Practices in Housing. 

Housing providers are crucial partners on the path to recovery, but even well-meaning programs risk harming those they help. This training will explore how the power dynamics inherent in housing programs can make participants vulnerable. How do we know when housing program expectations tip into exploitation? What program requirements lead to labor trafficking? This training will walk through several case examples to provide clear guidance on what not to do, as well as highlight some promising practices. Participants will gain a better understanding of how to screen for safe housing options, what practices to avoid, and how to spot red flags. Please register for Service and Recovery: How to identify and avoid exploitative practices in housing programs on Nov 7, 2024 10:00 AM EST at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4306260821803407446 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Housing Overview for OCJS Anti-Trafficking and SCIP Subrecipients

The Office of Criminal Justice Services is partnering with Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services, Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio, and The Cocoon Shelter to share an overview of the following housing related topics: Recovery Housing in Ohio (including upcoming changes), Fair Housing Act, Standard Landlord Tenant Law, and perspectives from a Housing Specialist.

Please register for Housing Overview on Oct 24, 2024 10:00 AM EDT at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8872576592422327128  After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


Ohio Issue 1 Redistricting Amendment Explained

Ohio voters in November will vote on an amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would change the process by which state and federal legislative district maps are drawn. The biggest change relates to who would draw the maps. It would replace the current redistricting commission, which is comprised of elected politicians, and replace it with an appointed citizens redistricting commission comprised of members of both major political parties and others who have no professional affiliation with politics. This issue will be Issue 1 on the November ballot and is the only statewide issue before voters this election. Here’s what you need to know about Issue 1.

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