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Building Person-Centered Collaboration Through Negotiation
Wednesday, March 16, 2022, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Category: Ohio Council Events

This training is sponsored and supported by the Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Center of Excellence.

CEUs Available: 1.5

Description: Building collaborations and new partnerships requires the ability to define clear roles and relationships to support care coordination and service delivery for individuals and families. Negotiation skills are critical for building person-centered programs that provide quality behavioral health services and effective care coordination. Behavioral health organizations must understand the importance of negotiation strategies and techniques to engage in collaborative arrangements and establish successful person-centered programs. This training will prepare participants to feel confident in leveraging their strengths and skills when collaborating with community partners and funders to develop programs, coordinate services, and engage in mutually beneficial agreements that establish person-centered programs and services for individuals and families.


  1. Participants will learn skills and techniques to engage in practical and interactive negotiations with community partners and funders to develop person-centered programs and services.
  2. Participants will understand how to prepare for negotiations intended to build person-centered collaboration and partnerships.
  3. Participants will understand the use of specific negotiation skills with various stakeholders and partners.

Contact: Brenna Whiteside ([email protected])