Menu of Supports Funding Opportunity Treatment Foster Homes, residential and group home facilities, and kinship caregivers may be eligible. Overview: The new Menu of Supports Funding Opportunity empowers community agencies and foster/kinship caregivers to meet emergent needs of children involved in Ohio’s children services system. Through a financial incentive approach, this opportunity will increase the availability of placement options to serve children in need of placement. The Menu of Supports Funding Opportunity is administered by the Ohio Department of Children and Youth through a contract with Ohio Children's Alliance. This opportunity focuses on providing funding in three key areas:
Given the scope of this opportunity, there are extensive details regarding eligibility, timelines, funding availability, reporting obligations, and application procedures. While not required, interested applicants are encouraged to attend one of the information sessions to learn more. Session Details: Don’t miss the chance to gain valuable insights about the Menu of Supports funding opportunity.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the virtual informational session. |