Why Master’s-Level Mental Health Providers Are Choosing Coaching Over Therapy Careers

Understaffing has undermined the behavioral health industry for years. Only slightly more than a quarter of the nation’s need for mental health services is being met, according to KFF. Mental health coaching has emerged as a crucial way for the industry to provide care for lower-acuity patients who need a helping hand meeting goals, rather than a diagnosis and symptom management. Many coaches hold high-level degrees and may be qualified to work towards a therapist license, but opt to coach instead because of the flexibility, benefits and rewarding nature of working with clients to set and achieve goals. Mental health coaching offers benefits that make it an attractive career path, even for some people who could receive their therapist licenses if they choose to. One former therapist chose to become a coach, in part, because of the lower patient acuity level. Therapists usually see patients at a higher level of need, right before “the rubber hits the road,” she said.